What is the difference between the BBC and CNN CNN cream cream?

Many of the women seeking a uniform color and get a nice and bright makeup, through the use of the BB Cream and CC Cream that are more cosmetic use in the global cosmetic houses of the skin, and for the makeup of stars offer you via femininity difference between the BBC cream and CNN News website Generous.

How do you use cosmetics properly?

BBC cream

BBC cream means Balm Beauty Beauty Balm, a lotion combines make-up, cosmetics, skin care, it gives you cover like cream base in addition to the benefits of skin care products such as sun protection factor and antioxidants. The BBC is working to unify the cream color of the skin and protects it from sun damage, and increases the smoothness of the skin and reflects the light from the surface of the skin gives the look bright.

But even if the BBC cream do you use it contains a sun protection factor, not only Tatmdi it, and stick to apply the protection factor of your sunscreen before putting make-up every morning.

Mineral cosmetics best for your skin

CNN CNN cream

CNN CNN cream means the color correction Color Correcting, a preparation aimed at the skin redness and disunity color. So if your skin is prone to pills or you suffer from black spots, Attaghi about CCS cream. But remember that most of the cosmetics CCS cream is available in only three colors, light, medium and dark. Featuring cosmetics CCS cream abundant vitamins A and C which also contains a sun protection factor.

And advises experts cosmetic develop CCS cream after applying BBC cream to get the best results, but if you d apply the cream lightly national status CCS cream then put the BBC cream, and if you want to get a heavy strength of nationalist develop CCS cream and after the private foundation cream your.


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