Samsung will use Sony batteries Company for each of the Galaxy and S8 + S8

After the big problems and losses suffered by Samsung because of battery explosion phone Walnut 7. After the investigation, which lasted several weeks, the company is now striving for the arrival of new phones without any mention regarding the battery, since the company has to raise safety standards to the highest levels has also diversifying suppliers of problems batteries.

In a new report for the Journal of The Wall Street Journal, the South Korean company Sony Corp. has chosen to be the third supplier of batteries anticipated phones this year, after circulating that some of the news that the provider may be an all-South Korean LG Company.

New phones from Samsung Galaxy S 8 and S-8 + is expected to carry lithium-ion batteries from three suppliers who are, respectively, Samsung SDI Samsung branch, which was responsible for Walnut phones batteries 7 and then the Japanese company Murata Manufacturing and finally resource that is expected to be the most takeover, Japanese company Sony.


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